Friday, March 9, 2012

Year 5 camp 2012

On Monday the 5th of March all the year 5's went on camp.We arrived at Papakura Marae and got called onto the marae by two ladies.When we were on the marae we had  welcome speeches and then a song.We were put into groups and went to do activitys.First we made flax flowers, then we made fried bread. It was yummy.After we went and did poi and then sticks activities. I was really good at the sticks.Before dinner we did zumba and then for dinner we had a hungi. We had skits and got ready for bed because in the morning we had a big day at Sonshine Ranch.In the morning we had pancakes for breakfast and then headed for Sonshine Ranch.When we got there we were split into two groups. My group went to the flying fox and rope swing first. It was freaky and cool.Then we went horse riding. My horse was called Gloppy. We went for a ride around Sonshine Ranch.Last we went on the cold muddy water confidence course. I fell of lots of thing times and the wheel was  really COOL.

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